smiddy >> Put your mouse pointer over the map, right click and 'Save Image As..."
Then print the map or run it through a drawing program. like MS Paint, etc.
i know ... many mistakes and a nasty leadership ,but did jehovah's witnesses fulfill even partially matthew 24:14 :"the good news will be preached in all the inhabited earth and then the end will come "are we to expect a final or a completely different fulfilment of this verse ?
smiddy >> Put your mouse pointer over the map, right click and 'Save Image As..."
Then print the map or run it through a drawing program. like MS Paint, etc.
i'm just doing some research for my book, and i uncovered a real gem from the watch tower of july 1st 1914 - published three months before the "gentile times" were due to end climaxing (as they thought back then) in armageddon.. a rather brave "colporteur" (pioneer) wrote in to the magazine asking whether the studies in the scriptures series of books advocating 1914 to be the end of the world should cease to be circulated after october.
not only does the question itself prove that the expectations of publishers back then were entirely contrary to what the society repeatedly implies them to be, but the answer given by russell shows the same arrogance and evasiveness that we see in modern literature from the society, showing how little has changed since those days.. here is the clipping.... .
notice how russell falls back on the same line of argumentation used by the society, namely "we have not attempted to say these views are infallible.".
Some explanation - perhaps:
i just wanna post post this.
to all congregations.
re: thirty-hour quota for auxiliary pioneering.
"Even if the last day of an auxiliary pioneer’s service falls on the first evening of the circuit overseer’s visit, the auxiliary pioneer may choose a 30-hour quota for that month and may attend the circuit overseer’s meeting with the pioneers in its entirety."
They are not stingy at all when it comes to conning you into free labor.
i just wanna post post this.
to all congregations.
re: thirty-hour quota for auxiliary pioneering.
Thank God for anyone not qualifying for this privilege due to not being approved as examplary publisher by the BOE.
" {watchtower sep 1 1989 12}.
" {tiah 240-1, also references in wr oct 1879 3941, tkic 84}.
'" {zions watchtower mar 1880 repr 82}. .
wow talk about a way to push your garbage.
i can see it now the wbts is going to start taking their web pages down when people with open minds start picking apart what they write and openly publish for all to have this is only going to get better.
Cross-referencing: Awake February 2013: Where do they find these people?
of course, that question was softened up and changed to:.
"is your teaching up-to-date?
" (see illustration on page 9).
Now they are drilling down to the faithful the 'ever-increasing light' (?) , lest they forget: up-to-date = overlap
Yet they used to say this:
If we were to fear the arrival of Jehovah’s day with all its awesome accompaniments, we would not be awaiting it and keeping it close in mind, but would be wishing to postpone it into the indefinite future beyond our lifetime, beyond “this generation.”
The Watchtower 1975, 12/15 p. 752 par. 2
Q.: Isn't that exactly what the FDS/GB has done with the new theology?
my husband had gotten into a fight with a couple of victims of different pedophiles, he said in all his years of elderhood, "men and women who were sexually assualted came forward when they were old enough, they did not wait for decades to report they were abused.
you must have some kind of false memory or you are just trying to bring shame to the congregations.
" what is the truth of this?.
When an elder in the KH befriends and puts repeatedly his arm lovingly around young boys not his children instead of his wife . . . bells and whistles should ring.
i have been involved in an email exchange with a jw regarding my article on noah's flood, and whether it was global.
it got me really worked up, as i find the watchtower mentality totally hypocritical.
here is part of the conversation.. .
Pure fun, great reading, and totally enlightening:
Letters to and From the Watchtower Society Concerning Noah's Flood